Thursday, February 26, 2009


Today is my wonderful sister, Leasa's birthday. I want to give her the recognition that she sooo deserves.

As a child growing up, we were always told that one day we'd wish we got along because we would eventually need each other. Little did we know that would very well be true.

We now live about an hour and half from each other and text/talk to each other several times a day. If it weren't for her on some days I would be a wreck and I'm not even kidding. She knows when I am upset at a certain time and will somehow feel it and text me "u ok" or "u quiet, whats up". Ya know, the things only sisters can share.

She has been through a lot in her few years, and it has brought us even closer together than I would have ever thought possible. From, the marriage thing, to wanting and having children. I NEVER wanted kids until I got pregnant with my daughter and now I want a house full of them, whereas, she wanted a houseful and FINALLY got the angel she so deserves 3 years ago.

Leasa, I love you and want the world to know! I hope you have/had a wonderful birthday. It is your day to shine!

On another note. I am stuck on the dang scale! UGH!! I have faithfully been running or walking for an hour everyday, which has been burning about 400 or more calories YIPPEE!! I can actually run for the entire hour! I was so excited the first time I did that. I believe I am stuck because we are all dealing with the cold season around here and it is so hard to eat when you dont' want to, I think I'm not eating enough so my body is holding on to it... when it is supposed to be LETTING go!! ha ha!!
well I hope everyone is doing well
will try to post again soon

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I am feeling extremely antsy or nervous. I have those days, as I have less than a month to go to the dr. to find out about the tubal reversal we are praying that we can have. Sometimes I lay and cry at night because its "all my fault", but my hubby assures me that the "man upstairs" is in full control. I have to date lost around 35 pounds which is OUTSTANDING if I must say so myself.
Any positive words from any of you would help me greatly. and remember to add me to your prayers.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


I have the MOST awesome husband and needed to let everyone know! I recently asked someone that reads my blogs, what is the best way to tell how many calories you burn, and she told me with a heart rate monitor (thanks Jen) and thats EXACTLY what Jamie got me for Valentine's Day! I was sooo happy, no its not romantic, but he went and got me the exact thing I need to see how I am doing getting the weight off so that we can have some kiddos! No words can ever tell him how TRULY happy I am to have him in my life!

Hope you all have a wonderful day,
Happy Valentine's Day,

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I'm so excited as i have lost 30 pounds to date! It's not easy, but yet not near as hard as I anticipated that it would be. I'm hoping to lose another 20 before we go to the dr. but I am not gonna push it too hard. We have been fighting all the sicknesses around here and I have not had an appetite to eat, so I had lost 3 pounds since Monday, that is good and bad. hopefully I will have another update sooner, just a lil under the weather.

Have a good week and thanks for reading,